Thursday, October 31, 2013

Marketing: The Google Way !!

Whenever I think of +Google the words that come to my mind are -- Smart, Futuristic, visionary, user friendly and dare devil.

I mean I will start with how we have been spoiled by Google. Need any information, go to a search engine name Google.The time when it was launched unlike it's peers it had kept it's search engine page simple and without any irrelevant distractions.

In online media customers are directly coming up for answers to you, only you don't have a representative to attain the customer but your search engine which should help customer to find easily what he or she is requiring and bingo!! You won the "0" moment of truth for your customer.

It had services like +Gmail , an email service with a a certain amount of free storage (and I dare say that its more than enough) and which is automatically sorting out your emails as Primary, Social and Promotions.

According to my understanding the reason behind success of Google remains in its understanding its customer need and providing it in a simple way and at the same time in due course of time make us realize that we need Google.And it had a collaborative approach , since it provides platform for other individuals or business to grow.

Google use pay-per-click methods for primary revenue generation for itself, so we are getting information or data we need, Google is getting money from advertisers and I am not spending a single penny.

For example: +YouTube  it had given opportunities to so many entrepreneurs to promote their work through it.If you are a huge or small organization you feel the need to have your presence felt via using Google as a platform to promote your business.

I mean this organization is really covering up almost all its bases. Think of its  +Android  the free OS platform which had revolutionize developers approach.Or, think of it's  +Nexus in its device ventures and while saying how can I forget +Google Glass .

Google Glass Project covers all the ultar-geek requirements--> starting from +Augmented Reality , Optical head-mounted Display (OHMD), +Wearable Technology - Augmented Reality , Wearable computer.

( For more details on Google Glass refer this site :

I mean think of any marketing strategies and you can relate Google is using majority of it in its products.

A major platform company trying its level best to com up with apps and technology which you can describe consumer friendly.

Than you Google for making our generation life easier.

A video which gives you all an overview how Google can make business successful :


Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Is it possible for Technology and Brands to replace currency !!

Trust: a small word which plays a significant role in our life. And somehow most of our issues in life can get solved if we can start trusting things and have a guarantee that it won't be broken.

+Edelman is coming up with research results which indicates about trust we have on government bodies, media, NGOs and businesses.

And its quiet relevant because the reason behind any brand's success is how much trust their consumers have on them and all the advertising, marketing and digital touch points are created to retain , create and increase those trust factor.

Let take an example:  +Amazon.Com the.Best  gives points to buy things from Amazon, like gifts, mp3, books, etc. It's the trust you have on its business model which is letting you to buy real things on basis of Amazon points you have.The points you are using to buy products are a kind of currency given to you by the business and which you are investing within the business in exchange of goods. No Governments or Central banks are monitoring it.

So  a wishful thinking of a person in this unstable economic condition of our present world that-- can technology with help of business and its trustworthy brands can overcome issues which  banks and governments worldwide are trying desperately to solve.

Can trustworthy  technology really takeover!! Another name which is coming to my mind when discussing currency and technology is  +Bitcoin . Its a peer to peer digital currency since 2008 started by pseudonymous developer  Satoshi Nakamoto.

(For further info, check this link:

We have seen in n number of sci-fi Hollywood films repercussions of technology taking over human. But if the brainy peoples out there can keep those details in mind and have firewalls and encryption  (  referencing Terminator movies) to prevent them and really let technology to becomes mankind's friend, it will be wonderful .

So I am wishing brands, businesses and technology best of luck!!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Simplicity and Human Touch: Future of Technology !!

I am avid e-book reader since last few years but once upon a time during rainy days I used sit in my room with my favorite novel and a cup of hot coffee with "samosa" and read it.

I feel e-book let me allow read whenever I am free time.And its mobility and availability through help of any smart device make it more preferable to me.
But I crave more human touch in it ....
 I miss the comfort and simplicity of a paperback book, its smell and the experience of laziness and coziness attached to it.

My idol  +Steve Jobs had described iPad as "...strategy is really simple. What we want to do is we want to put an incredibly great computer in a book that you can carry around with you and learn how to use in 20 minutes ... And we really want to do it with a radio link in it so you don’t have to hook up to anything and you’re in communication with all of these larger databases and other computers"

But I am waiting for someone taking such user experience to next level.

Where is the next +Apple Inc. ???

It's my request to all the brilliant minds out there to come op with a technology which has a simple usage but also can me make me experience the human touch.

I know I am becoming greedy!! But what can I do I am a spoiled being of this Digital Age who is getting used to innovation of new technologies and their ever decreasing life cycle.

And I guess it’s take a brilliant moment of realization from an inventor's mind to work on already existing technologies and develop something brilliant.

Like fibre optics are existing since 19th century but it was only around 1970's the problem of attenuation (degrading of signal or connectivity over a distance) was given a thought.
 And we all know what it had led to --> The “Internet".

And its the simplicity of thought process and few -- accidentally lucky -- "eureka" moments that had given birth to few of the greatest invention that had changed the world.

For example : Discovery of microwave oven by an engineer  Percy Spencer while US company +Raytheon was carrying out wartime experiment of magnetron tubes used in radar defence.And the lucky incident was that a chocolate in his pocket was melting due to "microwave" and he implemented it into a box and what impact it had on our lifestyle!!

And such examples can go on and on ...

I am sure like lots of you out there I am also waiting for more such magic moment to happen!!!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Taking Marketing to DNA level !!!

We all had heard about  +BigData Planet  and the importance of big data in businesses and how vastly it cam impact our socio-economic system.

But today I came across a really cool idea of "Marketing to the Big Data inside us"

(Check out this source:

I mean I really feel that it is cool to take marketing in such a micro level to our very own Deoxyribonucleic acid --our  DNA to be precise.

+Paul Saarinen  and Scoot Fahrenkrug are the founding members of  Miinome Inc, a Minneapolis based start-up.It claims to be the first "member controlled human genetic marketplace"

The concept they want to sell is very similar how marketers use Twitter and Facebook to get personal data and use it for product placement for Miinome Inc. will provide the DNA based data so marketers have better understanding og consumers purchasing preferences.

This DNA data based marketing concept is taking it to the next level.

If it can be implemented successfully and Miinome Inc. manage to find takers who can implement it ...I for sure will keep an eye from now on regarding its development.

Certainly an interesting space to watch out for!!

Simple Understanding of Human Psychology:Is it the key to business success?

In my previous post I expressed my viewpoints and believes about creativity. 

Sometimes creativity is known as innovation or breakthrough technology or some cool scientific discovery.But how creativity or innovation become the survival of the fittest for businesses.

Take the case of  Victor Fernandes director of  +Natura Cosmeticos , he thinks that you can behold success by trying to innovate keeping in mind about the well being experiences. Ans similar was the thought of  +Steve Jobs , that you have to give people  experience which they have not witnessed before-- a need no one realized before.

It's all come down to small inventions, an attempt to make people's life better and make it more efficient.

Some key to creativity and innovation I read from a  +Forbes article talks about the following.

 Observing--> Its very important to know what is happening around you. The understanding of what people want or need.

Questioning --> It's the key for inquisitive minds and discovering the unknown an the wonderful !!

 Experimenting --> The mantra of success  lies with experimenting, may be it will lead to failure but its also leads to success. For reference -->  +Thomas Alva Edison 

Networking --> One of the most powerful marketing tactic to accelerate and sustain success

Associational Thinking --> Well this one deals with the capability of drawing connection among question, problem or ideas from diversified fields

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Anybody can be creative:True or False??

"You are a creative person." -- How lovely is to hear something like this?
But we believe everyone cannot be creative.....Wrong!!!
According to me everyone can be creative. It’s a common notion that people with divergent thinking (out of the box thinkers) can only be creative. People with convergent thinking are not creative.

We all are different individuals with unique qualities then how can be our creativity or way of work can be similar?
We all have different styles of creativity or working. It’s up to us that we believe in ourselves whether we can be creative in our life. People with structured thought process can be creative also once they started believing in themselves.
 I mean you can be creative how uniquely you organize your closet or how a mother can pack regular tiff-in for her child just by packing it in a way that will excite the kid to eat it.
Don't we do such staffs, everyday?
It's a common myth that people from arts, music are creative but an engineer, doctor, or scientist --- Come on they certainly don't come under the pile of "Creative " people !!

 Check out the following +Pinterest  page.

 Still not convinced, then checkout out the work of a great scientist -- +Leonardo da Vinci 

And to conclude I will end this post with my favorite +Steve Jobs  quote on creativity.

"Creativity is just connecting things.When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn't really do it, the just saw something. It seemed obvious to them after a while" -- Steve Jobs

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Awesomeness of Digital Media !!!

As a part of my daily habit I was checking out digital media news and came across some cool articles , one of it says how +Google is trying to come up with uProxy Peer to Peer Internet Gateway which can solve the problem for people who cannot access it due political and legislative issues.
I mean if this project of Google is successfully launched it will be like personalized VPN-Virtualized  Private Network.But the important thing to notice will be how Google can monitor the security and chances of misuse of this setup.

And while going through some cool social media info graphics I came across two videos about the recent developments of social media and both of them gives the same message just take a look at it.

This one gives its message with help of Cool Video Info graphics.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Happiness is key to business success !!

Well its Monday and after joining your office after a great week long holiday with your family you tend to miss the golden moments of being over-pampered, over-fed , over-slept and totally relaxed.

So I came back home after finishing the piled up piled up work at office and to relax started watching +Tom & Jerry  videos from +YouTube and just after 15 minutes I felt a lot relaxed.

It got me thinking what is it the thing that till today this MGM's studio creation still able to work its magic till today since 1940's. I think it’s just makes you happy and in spite of its comic rivalry plot , it also shows a friendship and genuine care about each other. Sometimes it also shows how they work together to pursue a common goal.

So wrapped in the package of entertainment it also try to educate young minds without getting preachy. 
And I think one of the key reason behind success of marketing whether its digital way or the traditional way is to make people learn something useful and happy.I mean look at successful +Blogger such as +Mashable , +The Verge , +Gizmodo , +TechCrunch , +The Next Web  etc. Each has something interesting but informative as well.

It’s a mix of utility and user orientation which makes any brand successful .And the better you can do it and continuously improve upon it, the better and long lasting will be your customer loyalty.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Different facets of Social Media !!

In each of our lives we have different roles to play.

Our family roles and responsibilities. Professional achievements and identity , social persona , so on and so forth.

and if we believe our life is an extension of our persona then Social Media today in digital world had certainly able to achieve it.even though there i s a possibility that our Social Media profile  not necessarily reflect our true selves but it certainly let us portray ourselves as the way we want to be perceived.

And the funny thing is that whatever we do we cannot totally control what the other person will eventually think of us.

+Facebook Login  had popularize the trend of ones presence in social media but now there are several social media platforms which actually reflects the diversity of Social Media and our online identities we try to create with each one of them.

Twitter had started as a micro blogging site to share braking news, updates and one's viewpoints on current events.
+Tumblr  another micro blogging platform for multimedia and +Instagram a platform to share visuals and the best part is that anyone and everyone can be a part of it. You don't have to be an expert.

And the end of the we all human beings search for our identity and digital media is providing each of us the opportunity to do it. Its up to us how we use it and for what cause. as long as we don't superimpose our real identity with the virtyal one.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Social Media a power to recon !!!

The social media world is continuously buzzing with new innovations and branding strategies to make themselves more sort after among their consumers --eyeing the future market trends--to gain popular social footing.

Facebook had confirmed its acquisition with +Onavo .And it has done so keeping in mind the  +Smartphones  market and ever developing mobile app market.

Twitter on the other hand had created quite a buzz this week with its new policies regarding its Direct Message feature.
Its motto is to make Twitter more accessible for business and communication process. Well we have to wait and watch its impact.Well there was lot of buzz created not a long time ago about Face book’s ad policies and privacy policies of its users and now it seems people are quickly getting adapted to it.

I guess +Charles Darwin  theory of evolution is taken very seriously by our generation --and quite correctly so-- to survive in the ever changing digital and technical world around us.
Change and evolution is the key to sustain.

Talking about sustaining in the highly competitive market scenario you don't have to always innovate new things, sometimes you can create your own success stories by using the existing technologies and resources wisely.
For example, checkout +NowThis News .It has used +Instagram  features to its advantage.
Creating traffic to your business is the key , it depends on you how do the Segmenting, Targeting and Positioning.

Well, so evolve Digitally and Socially while keeping the your Brand values intact.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Leaving people to want for more !!!

I still remember the day 5 years ago when I started my reading my first e-book version of +Gone With the Wind and I sat entire day in front of my computer and finished the book.Whoever had read this classic book have sensed an ambiguity and with prayer of romance lovers for the union of  Rhett and Scarlett. And the loyal fans of the book had wished for a sequel which never came up during the lifetime of author Margaret Mitchell. The official sequel "Scarlett" got published 73 years post of Gone with the Wind by another author named Alexandra Ripley.
From that day I had read books with happy ending and filled my memory drive with more than 1 GB of romance novels written by various authors. It had become an obsession for me.

Keeping my obsessive behaviour pattern with romance novels aside… if I look at basics of Marketing 101 techniques. Isn't the key to success to leave your consumers wanting for more?
I mean look around the simple examples of movies which are most likely to come up with sequels, daily soaps or serials of TVs and how can I not take name of +Appleinc 
The key is to figure out where to stop selling, not overdoing or under selling it. Have the correct mix and leave consumers wanting for more.
And given the +bigdata  entering its new phase of  Analytics 3.0 its not much of a challenge for companies investing their time in Data Collection, Data Segmentation and Data Conversion.
 (Check the link to read more details: )

Monday, October 14, 2013

Marketers can Optimize the Quantum Way !!!

I always used to listen with awe whenever there were news related to +quamtum phisycs  and +quantum computer  as it  used to talk about the future of computers and how it can impact our lives in the process.
Once upon a time being a science and engineering student I used to read about the concepts of it but if anyone had asked me anything regarding the practical implementation of it in daily lives and day to day use of it--I would have faced a very difficult time explaining it to someone.

But guess what +Google  had come across a +YouTube  video which explains it in a very simple way.

Check out this link :

This video tells us how this can solve the queries of human origin and the existence of life in Universe.

But it also shows +Google  step towards future technology managing +bigdata with help of +NASA .

As a consumer of +Google+ Developers  creations it also shows how as search engine users life can be easier because of Quantum physics but in such a simple way that I envied those science kids who will able to answer and discuss +Physics  so easily in their upcoming science classes after watching this video.
The power of  computer processors and the innovative technologies involving it will dictate the terms of future marketers success marketing their products.But the success will go to the ones who will leverage the technology and simplify the usage of it to the end consumers.
In the day and age of  +DigitalMarketing ,  Content marketing and Marketing automation lets see who will be the next  for us-- consumers to take computing experience to a new level.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Segmenting Targeting Positioning the Digital Way !!!

A Bengali always searches for a taste of Bengal during Durga Puja if he or she is unfortunate to stay away from Kolkata during Puja and obviously I am one of them for past 3 years. I like so many other Bengalis living outside Kolkata look for a Bengali Puja Association and visit there. (And yes we Bengalis always manage to create a cultural community in whichever part of the world we go).

And there we find the foods and other commodities very much going with the theme of festivities and we sometimes pay for overly priced goods very happily. I guess all the festive time, irrespective of any culture and religion is the best examples to observe segmenting targeting and positioning of products.
It’s  all about when a consumer want something provide it with the way he/she likes it and it will automatically create the correct touch points for marketers.
The coming time will be vastly impacted by +DigitalMarketing as it is redefining the product placement or rather the ubiquitous presence of products. The power is shifting towards consumers and the demand of "Personalization" and "Simplification" of acquiring products. , +eBay , +PayPal  had shown us the way and it will only get better few years ago for us -- consumers.
Few years ago +Android  was a unknown name but it had redefined the apps usage for +Smartphones generation.
Soon terms like +Augmented Reality , +SmartShopping  cart, and the likes of mobile loyalty apps such as +Ibotta ,  +JifitiGifts  and +shopkick  concept will be very common.

Life is certainly getting easier for consumers if you can handle the amount of alternatives you can get nowadays and harder for marketers to keep up the pace of rapidly changing technology.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Technology is changing and it is changing digitally fast !!

As any other normal day I logged into my +Facebook Login  page and first thing that came to my mind is...Haah I am one of those 699 million people who are daily active on Facebook users among the the humble Facebook population of 1.26 billion.

And with estimated 937 million +Smartphones to be shipped in 2013 , how many more will have increment Facebook and the other Social media giants will witness.

For example our Social media professional networking site +LinkedIn  have 238 million users and more or less 27 % of them visit by mobile. 

While thanking Tech Gods for innovation of mobile devices  I was trying to place a simple wall clock after changing its battery.I had a wishful thinking , I wish I have portable smart Touchscreen surface which I can attach to wall or a window whenever I feel like. I mean how cool will it be to have a folding all-in-one integrated smart touchscreen surface which you can put on any surface !!!
And if it happens the way businesses can monetize is incredibly mind boggling. 
 Digital world and the rules of business is ever changing but as the time is going by its is becoming faster and the companies have to keep their pace with it. If it is not the case then why 40 % of the companies which were at the top of +Fortune Magazine  500 in 200 were no longer there in 2010.

So brands out their had to increase their efforts because it is highly likely in coming times for brands to get replaced. Before we used to have devices we keep in one place, now its mobile and its very fast moving towards wearables and maybe in near future towards drivables, flyables or scannables!!!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Innovation in mobility sure will define future of our smart devices

India is in peak of its festive season and festivities are so infectious that even in tough economic times could not stop us in splurging money ..........and definitely it do some good to the economy.

And we get to see marketers in all their glory with their best  +advertisement of brands  coming up with new ideas to sell their products.

Being a marketing student I know about the sale techniques and all ......but still it does not help me to control myself from shopping spree.But being a wise shopper I tried to find out the wholesale dealers shops in city markets to get things in best possible price.

So today while trying to reach my destination of joy--- while trying to navigate the city traffic --- my Smart phone started acting not so smart by showing me battery-zapped smug face of it !!!

At that point I was thinking of an article I read on +Kickstarter  page about +Smartphones  charger without any need of out .

(Check this out in the following link:

But I was lucky enough to get into a bag shop where the owner let me charge my phone so that I can +WhatsApp  pictures of bags to my mom to help me choose a bag of her choice.

And while talking about the smart devices and the ease of use I cannot help but share an article I read in   +DisneyResearchHub  about Tactile Rendering of 3D Features on Touch Surfaces.

I personally feel it will be really cool to have it.

Check the following link:

I think lots of people out their faced similar situations and also have the same wishful thinking as mine to have a solution. So all the technical geniuses out there make it happen as soon as possible.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Live Life the Android Way !!!

In my first bog ever which I wrote 3 days ago  I mentioned that Steve Paul Jobs is my inspiration and today while reading tech news regarding  +Android  Apps I remembered one of his famous quotes --

“Again, you can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.”

And its so true.Let me tell you why?........Few years ago while I was pursuing my engineering in Computer Science I had to create a technical presentation with 2 of my friends. I was allotted with the task of choosing the topic for presentation by my group. While I was doing my secondary research on current technologies --- I came up with 2 topics a> +BlackBerry  and b> +Android  as we were asked to submit 2 topics from which our professor would choose one and on which we had to make the presentation.

Fortunately my friends liked the topic I chose and when we went to our Operating System professor he asked us to ahead with Blackberry (as it was a rage at that point of time and he thought that our class could connect to the topic easily) but with my friends support I managed to convince him maybe Android Operating system is not as popular and well known as Blackberry but it is a very cool and a new topic.Please let us go ahead with it and luckily he agreed, and we gave our presentation finally on Android .

And at present when  my engineering and MBA days are now over, Android don't need any  introduction .Its a common word for  +Smartphones  generation. (all thanks to  +Google ,  +Andy Rubin , +Rich Miner , +Nick Sears  and +Chris White --> people responsible for it)

In my dream I did not think of Android to become such a rage (which I sincerely wish I could claim otherwise) and a  +Linux  based operating system can be so cool .

I mean just have a look to this top 10 Apps of October 2013
Its awesome and I think same is the word which come to mind of approximately over 70 % of world's mobile developer population when they think of Android.And , yes God Bless Open-source Community !!!

And once again -- All Hail to  +Steve Jobs  for  being himself and +Google  for making such a useful product a commodity for users.Innovators and innovation rocks...........

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Geeky Brands: shaping Lives !!

Feeling wonderful!! New job with new responsibilities and roles and faced the first real challenge today. Suddenly I was informed to give a presentation within 3 hours in a topic I know nothing of except the nomenclature in front of my super boss and super seniors team. And as a "starry-eyed" new member of corporate world I am to eager to impress my seniors and super boss with my sparkling diligent self.

But without any expertise and knowledge in  the concerned topic how to dazzle my corporate family members??

Well I blessed +Larry Page, +Sergey Brin ,+Larry Sanger, +Jimmy Wales , +Corry Jansen  and +Corry wagner , +Bill Gates  and +McKinsey & Company   reports with all my heart.

Without them how on earth I had survived and emerge successfully today ( and yes all my corporate family members were damn impressed by me).And coming back home I send a +LinkedIn  invitation to my super boss (which he accepted ).

All these events of today got me thinking these are not some +Louis Vuitton  bags or +GUCCI  watch which screams we are the brands to notice. But they are "The  Brands" we hardly can live without.

+Google , +Wikipedia ,Investopedia  and many others (open source free technologies) had made knowledge a commodity rather than a premium brand and at the same time had made our life luxurious with the ease of use and accessibility they are able to provide. Algorithms like Google Hummingbird are step towards future trends and lifestyle where voice search and generic queries (rather than content based queries) would be preferable by consumers.Because lets face it the future of smart technology is mobile.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Sharing is Caring

I have started blogging today only and within 2 hours I felt compelled to write another one, and this time I am blogging again for very selfish reason.

When I was a kid my mom use to say whenever you read about something try to write it down then you will remember it.

I read so many news about branding ,advertising, social media and share those links through my social media profiles such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc with amazing power of technology --> share buttons available nowadays within the article page itself but even after that I tend to forget some of those (Yes I am one of less fortunate person with cached memory system brain function !!).

So, if I am blogging why not also write about some of those news I come across everyday.

The above link is a publicity ad stunt of a submarine emerging created by Saatchi for an insurance company and giving its all its dramatic flair and attentions.

I wish such ads should also come up in India....I mean all these ad companies here  can at least put all those potholes in our metro cities roads to some creative use and be the cause of amusement for us pedestrians.

And talking about brands and social media this is a link for Google's hummingbird role in shaping up social media content marketing

And the claims it is making can be true,and why not at the end of the day they are trying to utilize the screens of our devices which we use most and for longest period of time.

Because the future innovation of lies how we optimize the screens of various devices and in its way it will create more avenues of branding provided the organizations realize where to stop intruding in personal spaces.

The Apple Way

My first blog ever and I am lost what should be the topic of my blog.I am new to corporate world with big shiny dreams in my eyes and first time felt the need to blog to share my view points and mainly to keep in touch with my passion-- Marketing.

Like most people of my age want to make a mark in the corporate world and especially in the field of Marketing.But honestly I am confused which brands to pursue. I mean there are so many brands with their wonderful stories of making mark in people's life and each is unique in its own way.

Maybe I would start with the brand Apple because it created  a revolution of its own and have changed the world.And then there is "Steve Jobs" the ultimate maverick and creative genius.So many words have been written about him and his ingeniousness, what more to write by some random  nobody like me!!!

I guess there is always something more to say about him.......because of his words his methods had created a hell lot of inspiration to me. I will always regret that I will never be able to meet him in my life. But anyway I will thank him for helping me finding my own dreams and I guess there are lot of people like me out there who also believe the same.

Few years ago I was totally clueless what to do with life (only with idea what I don't want to do which by the way mostly covers all the things my parents want me to do). I was pursuing engineering and I was so mediocre at it that I had a feeling I would never be hugely successful if I pursue it further.

And just one fine day I watched Steve Job's Stanford Convocation speech and it was mind-blowing.I decided to go for MBA in marketing (which I admit is a very conventional career choice of engineering + MBA in India) . Add thank god for that ... when I was pursuing my MBA  for the first time in life I felt, okay I am in the field I really wanted to be in. Because the course changed me as a person and specially my way of thinking and looking at life possibilities.

I wish I am more clever and talented with words so that I could have expressed properly how motivating and inspiring can be a 20 minutes video by a great leader of our time can to people like me.

And I wish I can always stay hungry and foolish as I promised myself after first watching the video.

Social Media

Nowadays we read a lot about amazing power of social media as a marketing tool. Every top brands have their social media accounts in social networking sites.
Social networking sites have changed our lifestyle and all the big brands are using it proactively to leverage the riding tides of it. It has become a platform to a sophisticated networks of connection.
And according to my understanding social media  is going through its growth phase of its Life Cycle . For example there are only 74 million internet users in India (as a developing nation it has huge potential of internet users growth).
Through out the 2000's , present and near future social media will witness growth and continue to become integral part of our life (more and more).
But is the future of it lies in another new Facebook or new Twitter. I don't think so.
Energy will be the key to it.
Devices which can provide power supply to numerous wireless devices we are using nowadays .

The screen of the devices we use to communicate and connect are increasing.

It started with Laptops, tablets, mobile smartphones, smart watches and many more to come in next few years.
Energy is the key to future technology. With time there will be various innovative devices and evolution of devices screen space but the main key is to source those devices with sustaining power sources.

Any organization which can optimize not will be able to establish itself as the forerunner in the market, but also will be able to brand itself for what its worth


Today I was reading an article in AdWeek which was about an annual event for brand geniuses and the first 

name I could recall was David Ogilvy.

We all know that Raymond Rubicam, Leo Burnett, William Bernbach, Ted Bates and David Ogilvy were the

 visionaries who had changed the face of advertising world.Sometimes I wonder what were the things that 

separate brilliant minds from geniuses.

Is it the way they perceive the world or how differently they perceive it...Or is it they had figured out how to 

connect rather communicate better than the rest of the world.

 Leo Burnett’s philosophy, “when you reach for the stars you may not quite get one, but you won't come up with a handful of mud either.”Is it such a simple statement but how easy it to relate to oneself.Don't we all aspire for something and if we could not have it, go for the best alternative.

Some people might say why not always go for the best or be best--- an outstanding achiever can say that or think like it but a normal average (as per the definition of our society) person does not think like that.

At the same time it also have a sense of hope which make the famous quote feel more real to us.

And if we look around us isn't it all come down to how well you can connect and communicate.I mean look at all the successful brands..look at Facebook...there were so many social networking sites at the time Facebook was launched but it stood apart.

Why? Because it was able to connect and communicate its idea to its consumers with simplicity.It is a simple and fun concept which had penetrated in our mind and life and had changed the definition of social media.
And at the same time its ability to understand what can kill it and change accordingly.

Today I again re-read the success stories of  all those mavericks and feeling inspires.And what is most wonderful is that their visions and understanding of media is still relevant . May be the technology had changed but the way to touch people minds and hearts are still all the same.