Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Sharing is Caring

I have started blogging today only and within 2 hours I felt compelled to write another one, and this time I am blogging again for very selfish reason.

When I was a kid my mom use to say whenever you read about something try to write it down then you will remember it.

I read so many news about branding ,advertising, social media and share those links through my social media profiles such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc with amazing power of technology --> share buttons available nowadays within the article page itself but even after that I tend to forget some of those (Yes I am one of less fortunate person with cached memory system brain function !!).

So, if I am blogging why not also write about some of those news I come across everyday.


The above link is a publicity ad stunt of a submarine emerging created by Saatchi for an insurance company and giving its all its dramatic flair and attentions.

I wish such ads should also come up in India....I mean all these ad companies here  can at least put all those potholes in our metro cities roads to some creative use and be the cause of amusement for us pedestrians.

And talking about brands and social media this is a link for Google's hummingbird role in shaping up social media content marketing

And the claims it is making can be true,and why not at the end of the day they are trying to utilize the screens of our devices which we use most and for longest period of time.

Because the future innovation of lies how we optimize the screens of various devices and in its way it will create more avenues of branding provided the organizations realize where to stop intruding in personal spaces.


  1. Hey, nice to see you blogging..:) Why not some more generalized topics?

  2. Thank you..... I will try my best
