Thursday, October 24, 2013

Anybody can be creative:True or False??

"You are a creative person." -- How lovely is to hear something like this?
But we believe everyone cannot be creative.....Wrong!!!
According to me everyone can be creative. It’s a common notion that people with divergent thinking (out of the box thinkers) can only be creative. People with convergent thinking are not creative.

We all are different individuals with unique qualities then how can be our creativity or way of work can be similar?
We all have different styles of creativity or working. It’s up to us that we believe in ourselves whether we can be creative in our life. People with structured thought process can be creative also once they started believing in themselves.
 I mean you can be creative how uniquely you organize your closet or how a mother can pack regular tiff-in for her child just by packing it in a way that will excite the kid to eat it.
Don't we do such staffs, everyday?
It's a common myth that people from arts, music are creative but an engineer, doctor, or scientist --- Come on they certainly don't come under the pile of "Creative " people !!

 Check out the following +Pinterest  page.

 Still not convinced, then checkout out the work of a great scientist -- +Leonardo da Vinci 

And to conclude I will end this post with my favorite +Steve Jobs  quote on creativity.

"Creativity is just connecting things.When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn't really do it, the just saw something. It seemed obvious to them after a while" -- Steve Jobs

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