Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Social Media a power to recon !!!

The social media world is continuously buzzing with new innovations and branding strategies to make themselves more sort after among their consumers --eyeing the future market trends--to gain popular social footing.

Facebook had confirmed its acquisition with +Onavo .And it has done so keeping in mind the  +Smartphones  market and ever developing mobile app market.

Twitter on the other hand had created quite a buzz this week with its new policies regarding its Direct Message feature.
Its motto is to make Twitter more accessible for business and communication process. Well we have to wait and watch its impact.Well there was lot of buzz created not a long time ago about Face book’s ad policies and privacy policies of its users and now it seems people are quickly getting adapted to it.

I guess +Charles Darwin  theory of evolution is taken very seriously by our generation --and quite correctly so-- to survive in the ever changing digital and technical world around us.
Change and evolution is the key to sustain.

Talking about sustaining in the highly competitive market scenario you don't have to always innovate new things, sometimes you can create your own success stories by using the existing technologies and resources wisely.
For example, checkout +NowThis News .It has used +Instagram  features to its advantage.
Creating traffic to your business is the key , it depends on you how do the Segmenting, Targeting and Positioning.

Well, so evolve Digitally and Socially while keeping the your Brand values intact.

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