Thursday, October 17, 2013

Different facets of Social Media !!

In each of our lives we have different roles to play.

Our family roles and responsibilities. Professional achievements and identity , social persona , so on and so forth.

and if we believe our life is an extension of our persona then Social Media today in digital world had certainly able to achieve it.even though there i s a possibility that our Social Media profile  not necessarily reflect our true selves but it certainly let us portray ourselves as the way we want to be perceived.

And the funny thing is that whatever we do we cannot totally control what the other person will eventually think of us.

+Facebook Login  had popularize the trend of ones presence in social media but now there are several social media platforms which actually reflects the diversity of Social Media and our online identities we try to create with each one of them.

Twitter had started as a micro blogging site to share braking news, updates and one's viewpoints on current events.
+Tumblr  another micro blogging platform for multimedia and +Instagram a platform to share visuals and the best part is that anyone and everyone can be a part of it. You don't have to be an expert.

And the end of the we all human beings search for our identity and digital media is providing each of us the opportunity to do it. Its up to us how we use it and for what cause. as long as we don't superimpose our real identity with the virtyal one.

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