Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Social Media

Nowadays we read a lot about amazing power of social media as a marketing tool. Every top brands have their social media accounts in social networking sites.
Social networking sites have changed our lifestyle and all the big brands are using it proactively to leverage the riding tides of it. It has become a platform to a sophisticated networks of connection.
And according to my understanding social media  is going through its growth phase of its Life Cycle . For example there are only 74 million internet users in India (as a developing nation it has huge potential of internet users growth).
Through out the 2000's , present and near future social media will witness growth and continue to become integral part of our life (more and more).
But is the future of it lies in another new Facebook or new Twitter. I don't think so.
Energy will be the key to it.
Devices which can provide power supply to numerous wireless devices we are using nowadays .

The screen of the devices we use to communicate and connect are increasing.

It started with Laptops, tablets, mobile smartphones, smart watches and many more to come in next few years.
Energy is the key to future technology. With time there will be various innovative devices and evolution of devices screen space but the main key is to source those devices with sustaining power sources.

Any organization which can optimize not will be able to establish itself as the forerunner in the market, but also will be able to brand itself for what its worth

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