Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Leaving people to want for more !!!

I still remember the day 5 years ago when I started my reading my first e-book version of +Gone With the Wind and I sat entire day in front of my computer and finished the book.Whoever had read this classic book have sensed an ambiguity and with prayer of romance lovers for the union of  Rhett and Scarlett. And the loyal fans of the book had wished for a sequel which never came up during the lifetime of author Margaret Mitchell. The official sequel "Scarlett" got published 73 years post of Gone with the Wind by another author named Alexandra Ripley.
From that day I had read books with happy ending and filled my memory drive with more than 1 GB of romance novels written by various authors. It had become an obsession for me.

Keeping my obsessive behaviour pattern with romance novels aside…..now if I look at basics of Marketing 101 techniques. Isn't the key to success to leave your consumers wanting for more?
I mean look around the simple examples of movies which are most likely to come up with sequels, daily soaps or serials of TVs and how can I not take name of +Appleinc 
The key is to figure out where to stop selling, not overdoing or under selling it. Have the correct mix and leave consumers wanting for more.
And given the +bigdata  entering its new phase of  Analytics 3.0 its not much of a challenge for companies investing their time in Data Collection, Data Segmentation and Data Conversion.
 (Check the link to read more details: http://iianalytics.com/a3/ )

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