Friday, October 11, 2013

Innovation in mobility sure will define future of our smart devices

India is in peak of its festive season and festivities are so infectious that even in tough economic times could not stop us in splurging money ..........and definitely it do some good to the economy.

And we get to see marketers in all their glory with their best  +advertisement of brands  coming up with new ideas to sell their products.

Being a marketing student I know about the sale techniques and all ......but still it does not help me to control myself from shopping spree.But being a wise shopper I tried to find out the wholesale dealers shops in city markets to get things in best possible price.

So today while trying to reach my destination of joy--- while trying to navigate the city traffic --- my Smart phone started acting not so smart by showing me battery-zapped smug face of it !!!

At that point I was thinking of an article I read on +Kickstarter  page about +Smartphones  charger without any need of out .

(Check this out in the following link:

But I was lucky enough to get into a bag shop where the owner let me charge my phone so that I can +WhatsApp  pictures of bags to my mom to help me choose a bag of her choice.

And while talking about the smart devices and the ease of use I cannot help but share an article I read in   +DisneyResearchHub  about Tactile Rendering of 3D Features on Touch Surfaces.

I personally feel it will be really cool to have it.

Check the following link:

I think lots of people out their faced similar situations and also have the same wishful thinking as mine to have a solution. So all the technical geniuses out there make it happen as soon as possible.

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