Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Marketing and Technology: Complementing each other

Being "Agile" is the way to be. No matter if its technology, Project management or be it marketing .
 According to  +Wikipedia  " Agile management or agile project management is an iterative and incremental method of managing the design and build activities for engineering, information technology, and new product or service development projects in a highly flexible and interactive manner, for example agile software development. It requires capable individuals from the relevant business, with supplier and customer input. "
An d with advent +Smartphones , devices and digital media , Marketing is getting more fragmented than ever.
The ecosystem of the entire marketing is changing and technology is one of the main reason behind its. Marketing signifies evolution, continuous change bur today in the digital world, the pace of that change is higher than ever.
And technical specialist and a marketing specialist had to go hand in hand.
Only marketing without innovation does not work and vice versa.
And only innovation also does not make successful product. If it was the case, then Xerox would have been the company to introduce different calligraphy and fonts to the world not Apple.
Xerox invented it, Apple first improvised it to personal computers and Microsoft made it popular.
Today, almost all the renowned brands are bringing in the Digital Marketing in their Marketing Strategy. And to utilize it properly, only investing money is not the case anymore investing wisely in content and technology to promote is useful
It’s all about superior user interface nowadays and the lies in how to detect the sweet spot for your consumers 

Friday, December 6, 2013

It's good to be crazy !!

"Here's to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes... the ones who see things differently -- they're not fond of rules... You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can't do is ignore them because they change things... they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do." - Steve Jobs
Above lines are immortalized by the "Think Different" Campaign. And, it's a line I read all the time whenever I am unsure about things. You should watch the video +Steve Jobs where he was introducing the "Think Different" campaign and his mastery in connecting to audience and at the same time communicating the brand "  +Appleinc ".
“Customers must recognize that you stand for something.” Howard Schultz, Starbucks
Starbucks had change gave a new experience to drinking coffee.There were thousands of coffee shops before it and more will come,  but what makes  +Starbucks Coffee what is it today. Schultz was struck by the romance of coffee and it used Arabica beans rather than commonly used Robusta beans.Like any organization it had faced tough times but they had always kept their souls intact. Passion for coffee. That mattered and how...it's for the world to see.
“A brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room.” Jeff Bezos, Amazon.com
And  +Amazon  had make sure it will make all brands come to your room with leveraging technology and customer experience.It's a pioneer in the field of -commerce and provided such a good service that it automatically created entry barriers for competitors.
“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” Albert Einstein
+Albert Einstein  a scientific genius but his statement above can explain any innovation, marketing strategies and creative thinking.

I should end this blog with this video of "Think Different' campaign.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Marketing is Beautiful

The most beautiful thing about marketing is that it embraces all science, culture, logic, numbers, strategy, philosophy, creativity and what not.
People say marketing can be lots of noise and clutter of promises just to shell out your target customer’s money. And with advent of social media and their penetration to one’s personal place had increased this clutter.
But come on do all of us whatever we do or things happened around us are always significant. No !! never there is always unnecessary things happening around and a very insignificant portion of it is created by the irrelevant and not so successful marketing campaigns …big deal!!!
But when marketing is is packaged with innovation + imagination it does creates magic. And don’t a kid hidden in all of us like to believe in magic.
 +HBO – an leading entertainment channel brought innovations into business with IT infrastructure improvement.
To improve its business it went through virtualization and private cloud infrastructure changes in 2008. And by implementing virtulization it reduces 30 % power consumption footprint and 50 % less physical space while still growing its business. The server landscape an the infrastructure had witnessed 100 % and 460 % growth respectively. With all its technical Innovation and infrastructure improvements. HBO now comes up “Marketing” lines of “Content Everywhere” and “Shaping Trends”
 With adding to its product categories it had brought HBO GO, MAX GO, CW Digital Studio to name a few.
And the List of examples of imagination + marketing can be describes by “Group Buying” concept practical implementation by “  GroupOn” and “Living Social”

Friday, November 29, 2013

Manufacture the brand as you like it!!!

What is inspiration? What is creativity? And what are all talks and suggestions about getting connected to people rather than only communicating?
And also those marketing jargons of integrating your business with long term business strategies.
All these and then it is followed up by marketing them wrapped up with branding strategies that comprises all the channels of reaching out to people, and nowadays for sure those channels will include the digital media and online space into it.

Is it just about necessity to be present at a place where your competitor is there or rather reaching to a place before competitor reached there?? Or is it more important to get inspired and be innovative enough to come up brand new product sub-categories which will automatically lead you to get place in the dynamic competitive market.
An organization which is coming up in my mind is  +Audi Deutschland , more than just a car it’s a lifestyle brand. And like so many other successful lifestyle brand Audi markets its usability rather than the product itself.

I mean how many organizations are there who can claim that they get inspired from an eye of an insect!!! And inspires enough to go ahead with it and invest substantial R&D to make it happen. Then communicate the message in a limited period of time of Digital age and space how they are converting the biological evolution of an insect aye and into usable mechanics through superior German engineering….and providing an experience for consumer never before.

It’s all the tricks lies in the simplicity you can bring to consumers life and make it simple. Why not?
Just think of how related the thought process of a leading premium car manufacture and a Hardware Device company , known popularly as  +Appleinc  can be..
“That's been one of my mantras - focus and simplicity. Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it's worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains.”
 Steve Jobs

Monday, November 25, 2013

Marketing as you like it ....

I just went through one of those week where you have to work insanely and some problems pop up and you just go ahead and try to solve it even if does not come under your "so-called" job description. I witnessed the first customer visit and it's exhausting and exhilarating and definitely a learning experience.

I mean "customer is king" and if possible make preparation to welcome "royals".

And whenever I was facing some difficult task and there is no one to consult because your boss in some meeting there are moments I had to make calls. I don't want to brag (but a little bragging is okay right!!) but I did it well. And when I look back to assess I could do it because I applied "Marketing Strategic Thinking" even though I didn't consciously planned for it, but it happened anyway.

And it happened because I was thinking about the long term relationship my company's customers have with our organization and also the similarities between their core and basic values of both them (though both are originated from 2 different continents and posses a huge cultural diversities).

Strategic planning always make your job easier and mix it with your drive, desire and competencies -- you have winning combo.

Marketing or let me be precise by saying branding mainly deals with 2 things among your customer -- "Brand Stature"--esteem & knowledge-- & "Brand Equity"

And if it's correctly done, its not that difficult to retain relationship with customers.

Well the "trick: is to do it correctly but how??

There comes the game of 4P (7P for service Marketing) and STP .

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Connected or Elusiveness of Connectivity !!

It's so easy to stay connected and internet has provided us with the blessing of staying connected. But as a side effect our attention span is lacking than ever.
For sure majority of us have hundreds and thousands (few people)  of friends in our Facebook account or  that matter various social media, but do all of them are our friends in real sense. No!!

Similarly, just visibility is not an option anymore and its true both for individual brand building of a person in online media and for organizations.

You are just another entity in the vast ocean of data and information.

The question comes to play---why will anyone look at you? And what's new in you?

And to stand out in crowd you have to get platform to prove yourself but what if that platform never comes to you??

Answer might come be Creative, Innovative, or so good it becomes hard to ignore.....

Wish there are magic wands and spells to fulfillt  such wishes!

I am trying to apply 4P's and STP into various aspect of life because hey I do believe whatever may be the medium or reason you can apply marketing to solve problems in your life  and business. 
I am in my way trying to make myself better in it with each day and hope all the people out there can also achieve it and make it perfect.

And at the mean have a look at the video of  Philip Kotler.....

Monday, November 18, 2013

Need analytic's to wear it !!!

Analytics , a powerful word in today's time and age or maybe going to be the most powerful word in near future.
And with the advent of +bigdata it has become all the more relevant in today's day and scenario. And or age is experiencing the rise of data savvy companies.

I mean you can imagine roughly 90 % of world's existing data in 2012 were created in past 2 years!!!
And with advent of more and more smart devices and digital media's continuous evolution data is not merely generated from conventional sources of accounting, finance and official government records, it had gone beyond that.And it will keep on growing.

And if you see around the way technology is evolving with ever changing lifestyle or we can rather say to change the lifestyle.
Just following through the recent events we can understand ...like +Under Armour has signed a deal worth $150 million with +MapMyFitness so that 20 millions of their registered user can track their fitness.

By referring to this link we can see the boom of wearable technologies in the market http://bit.ly/HVt3Ay

And all these developments is going to generate huge amount of data.

Also check out this  +YouTube  video  which talks about how tech giants like +Google and social media organizations like +Facebook Login  able to manage their data and how +Hadoop  worked as a game changer.......

Monday, November 11, 2013

Innovation:Keep it fresh!!

We humans sometimes can be so greedy and materialistic -- we want more from life and every aspect of it.

It makes me think does that inbuilt program of "wanting more" is the driving force behind innovation and evolution. I think great philosophers and psychologists must have answer it already if not it's a request to the great and genius mind please do so...

Every time I heard of the marketing jargon "blockbuster product" or "product category smasher" I can see something common in them --- fun, simple and useful.

But what happens when that fun, simplicity and usefulness is not so new and fresh anymore. It's started to stale or we have some nagging feeling in our mind, can't it get better, can't we have something more to make our life easier.
Corporations, small businesses and start ups around the world are trying to keep up with the ever changing dynamic business scenario. And these businesses do have their own challenges. +Sony  almost came up with +iPod  like products but could not leverage on it due to their own internal issues and   +Apple Inc.  came up with its iPod.

Innovation is not only the key but the presence of culture in an organization to commercialize it which brings revolution and change and thus "Innovation".
Watch this Carl Brass +TEDx  video ....

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Mind and it's Maverick ways !!!

Sometimes I just wish I can mind reading capabilities like our +Twilight Saga hero Edward Cullen. I mean such abilities you are sure to bring revolution in market research . It will be any corporations dream to find a guy like that----save time and money and give consumers exactly what they want!!!

A marketing genius would have been our hunky hero from Twilight saga Edward Cullen--- A wishful thinking from my part I guess.

On a global level Enterprise Market and Consumer market exists and the decisions regarding Consumer Market is more prone to market research as the market contains huge number of prospective customers and obviously it important to know their view points and mindset about products you are about to launch.And for innovative product, well you can have feedback to make it more user friendly once it is launched since in those cases your customers first come across a new product and you can get their feedback .

Consumer Marketing requires more of "Creative" and "Commercial" acumen, understanding of customer so that you are able to create simple and compelling communications.

Enterprise product on the other hand deals with specific sets of audience, more of a B2B scenario where you mainly deal with "Target Audience Definition", "Value Propositions", "Market Requirements", "Product Messaging Documents", "Sales Tools", "Sales Training", "Marketing Programs","Budget","Marketing Plan". etc.....

But when you just look around you and see the the kind of new research techniques like neuro marketing and staff you just feel amazed and in awe  to know the amount of level an organization can go to know their consumers.

To give people what they want and more specifically making  the usage easier for them is the key

This link to this +HubSpot  blog tell you about the psychological concepts behind marketing  http://bit.ly/1h4Xilc

Then there is http://www.salesbrain.com/ which is world's first neuromarketing agency

The above video of +Patrick Renvoise explains you the scientific explanation behind marketer's success and consumers brain process behind buying

Thursday, November 7, 2013

What is Business: Clever Marketing Strategy or simple Passion for a Journey of Good to Great!!!

We humans some time really work in a very funny way.We all at some point or other always struggle to find our place in this world . But the same humans come up with theories based on figures and diligent research to for correct "Product Placement" for numerous thousands of products which keep coming up through out the world.And it works!! But does it always require the theories we find out or discover need to be correct.

Take the story of  +Micromax Mobile  an Indian brand which is currently had become the buzz of market.

Its journey from a "perceived" Chinese Cheap phone to a brand which can sign up +Hugh Jackman  as their rand ambassador.
Lots of industry analyst say it's not going to work out as it going beyond the conventional marketing strategies

I agree strategies exists because it has lead to lots of success stories but at the same time we know every success stories and it's path is unique.And once it is successful we tend to relate those stories with existing theories to justify it.

It's yet time to see weather +Micromax Mobile  will acive its coveted success with Canvas product line while still catering to its mass market . But hats off to  CMO Subhodip Pal and Rahul Sharma for daring to dream and dream big for an Indian brand to fly high in Global market.

Hugh Jackman: Juggling  a dynamic and diversified life........

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Data and Design:Revolution of present and future !!

I made a presentation today in front of my team and all went well and two of my C level executives complemented my presentation by saying you have made look numbers interesting.I actually used +Infographics  for the presentation.

It make me think that I used significant data but also infographics to make it look interesting.So the question which came to my mind is, which impressed my peers the data or the way I presented the data??

Data and design are both complementary according to  me if you ask but sometimes each of them individually also make significant impact.

Take the best example in hand +Google  and  +Apple Inc. .Two tech giants of our time and both of them have revolutionized the tech-scenario of our time and age.

On surface both of them may look similar type of organizations but essentially they are polar opposite. With Apple relying on design and Google worshiping data as their individual building blocks respectively.

Any +Apple iFans  will vouch for its superior design .... Apple products are  synonymous to great design. Whereas Google's every products based on meticulous research of data and that is the differentiating factor for them to it's competitor.Data is truly king of them!

But its hard to tell which is more useful, you just have to come up with the correct mix.Or may be in future +Steve Wozniak (Refer source : http://mashable.com/2013/11/03/steve-wozniak-apple-should-work-with-google-samsung/)wishful thinking of Apple and Google coming together may create a big bang impact.I guess time will tell!!!

+Steve Jobs  and Apple employees expressing their viewpoints on design...

 +Larry Page's inspiring speech on how dare to take risk and data/information resulted in Google's success...

Friday, November 1, 2013

Change is vision or your vision should change !!!

What lies in future none of us know.What will change or how it will change............... but when you look back and think how much had changed and how you are different from before--It's amazing!!

Before +Bill Gates no one in "The silicon Valley" really thought about software, he was the first to really make us understand the meaning of a software company.

And the +Steve Jobs showed computers can be personal and it can be used in a way you like it, rather than being used only by people of Technical company.
And the core to every great innovation lies how you can just envision it..may be crazy it may sound today , but tomorrow it can  be possible.
I know I sound completely old , philosophical and boring but I feel nostalgic that how much technology had advanced in the last decade and more and more all the exclusive technology for multi billion companies and Government experiment becomes available to common people more it will impact and shape our life styles.

For example , Mobile networks had made real time connection or we can say communication real time.And internet with Social Media had taken that real time communication to another level.And +Augmented Reality  technology was used for advanced fighter jets and now with +Google Glass  it can eventually become public. More innovations and making it more available to common mass have become objective of tech giants.
And for that one can refer to the following +YouTube videos :

Future of search and Google's vision

Future is exciting only we need correct vision and judgement to know what correct for us and use it.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Marketing: The Google Way !!

Whenever I think of +Google the words that come to my mind are -- Smart, Futuristic, visionary, user friendly and dare devil.

I mean I will start with how we have been spoiled by Google. Need any information, go to a search engine name Google.The time when it was launched unlike it's peers it had kept it's search engine page simple and without any irrelevant distractions.

In online media customers are directly coming up for answers to you, only you don't have a representative to attain the customer but your search engine which should help customer to find easily what he or she is requiring and bingo!! You won the "0" moment of truth for your customer.

It had services like +Gmail , an email service with a a certain amount of free storage (and I dare say that its more than enough) and which is automatically sorting out your emails as Primary, Social and Promotions.

According to my understanding the reason behind success of Google remains in its understanding its customer need and providing it in a simple way and at the same time in due course of time make us realize that we need Google.And it had a collaborative approach , since it provides platform for other individuals or business to grow.

Google use pay-per-click methods for primary revenue generation for itself, so we are getting information or data we need, Google is getting money from advertisers and I am not spending a single penny.

For example: +YouTube  it had given opportunities to so many entrepreneurs to promote their work through it.If you are a huge or small organization you feel the need to have your presence felt via using Google as a platform to promote your business.

I mean this organization is really covering up almost all its bases. Think of its  +Android  the free OS platform which had revolutionize developers approach.Or, think of it's  +Nexus in its device ventures and while saying how can I forget +Google Glass .

Google Glass Project covers all the ultar-geek requirements--> starting from +Augmented Reality , Optical head-mounted Display (OHMD), +Wearable Technology - Augmented Reality , Wearable computer.

( For more details on Google Glass refer this site : http://www.informationweek.com/mobility/smart-phones/google-project-glass-gets-venture-fundin/240152769)

I mean think of any marketing strategies and you can relate Google is using majority of it in its products.

A major platform company trying its level best to com up with apps and technology which you can describe consumer friendly.

Than you Google for making our generation life easier.

A video which gives you all an overview how Google can make business successful :

Link:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YkZLQ01qiak

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Is it possible for Technology and Brands to replace currency !!

Trust: a small word which plays a significant role in our life. And somehow most of our issues in life can get solved if we can start trusting things and have a guarantee that it won't be broken.

+Edelman is coming up with research results which indicates about trust we have on government bodies, media, NGOs and businesses.

And its quiet relevant because the reason behind any brand's success is how much trust their consumers have on them and all the advertising, marketing and digital touch points are created to retain , create and increase those trust factor.

Let take an example:  +Amazon.Com the.Best  gives points to buy things from Amazon, like gifts, mp3, books, etc. It's the trust you have on its business model which is letting you to buy real things on basis of Amazon points you have.The points you are using to buy products are a kind of currency given to you by the business and which you are investing within the business in exchange of goods. No Governments or Central banks are monitoring it.

So  a wishful thinking of a person in this unstable economic condition of our present world that-- can technology with help of business and its trustworthy brands can overcome issues which  banks and governments worldwide are trying desperately to solve.

Can trustworthy  technology really takeover!! Another name which is coming to my mind when discussing currency and technology is  +Bitcoin . Its a peer to peer digital currency since 2008 started by pseudonymous developer  Satoshi Nakamoto.

(For further info, check this link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bitcoin)

We have seen in n number of sci-fi Hollywood films repercussions of technology taking over human. But if the brainy peoples out there can keep those details in mind and have firewalls and encryption  (  referencing Terminator movies) to prevent them and really let technology to becomes mankind's friend, it will be wonderful .

So I am wishing brands, businesses and technology best of luck!!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Simplicity and Human Touch: Future of Technology !!

I am avid e-book reader since last few years but once upon a time during rainy days I used sit in my room with my favorite novel and a cup of hot coffee with "samosa" and read it.

I feel e-book let me allow read whenever I am free time.And its mobility and availability through help of any smart device make it more preferable to me.
But I crave more human touch in it ....
 I miss the comfort and simplicity of a paperback book, its smell and the experience of laziness and coziness attached to it.

My idol  +Steve Jobs had described iPad as "...strategy is really simple. What we want to do is we want to put an incredibly great computer in a book that you can carry around with you and learn how to use in 20 minutes ... And we really want to do it with a radio link in it so you don’t have to hook up to anything and you’re in communication with all of these larger databases and other computers"

But I am waiting for someone taking such user experience to next level.

Where is the next +Apple Inc. ???

It's my request to all the brilliant minds out there to come op with a technology which has a simple usage but also can me make me experience the human touch.

I know I am becoming greedy!! But what can I do I am a spoiled being of this Digital Age who is getting used to innovation of new technologies and their ever decreasing life cycle.

And I guess it’s take a brilliant moment of realization from an inventor's mind to work on already existing technologies and develop something brilliant.

Like fibre optics are existing since 19th century but it was only around 1970's the problem of attenuation (degrading of signal or connectivity over a distance) was given a thought.
 And we all know what it had led to --> The “Internet".

And its the simplicity of thought process and few -- accidentally lucky -- "eureka" moments that had given birth to few of the greatest invention that had changed the world.

For example : Discovery of microwave oven by an engineer  Percy Spencer while US company +Raytheon was carrying out wartime experiment of magnetron tubes used in radar defence.And the lucky incident was that a chocolate in his pocket was melting due to "microwave" and he implemented it into a box and what impact it had on our lifestyle!!

And such examples can go on and on ...

I am sure like lots of you out there I am also waiting for more such magic moment to happen!!!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Taking Marketing to DNA level !!!

We all had heard about  +BigData Planet  and the importance of big data in businesses and how vastly it cam impact our socio-economic system.

But today I came across a really cool idea of "Marketing to the Big Data inside us"

(Check out this source: http://www.technologyreview.com/news/514396/marketing-to-the-big-data-inside-us/)

I mean I really feel that it is cool to take marketing in such a micro level to our very own Deoxyribonucleic acid --our  DNA to be precise.

+Paul Saarinen  and Scoot Fahrenkrug are the founding members of  Miinome Inc, a Minneapolis based start-up.It claims to be the first "member controlled human genetic marketplace"

The concept they want to sell is very similar how marketers use Twitter and Facebook to get personal data and use it for product placement for consumers.so Miinome Inc. will provide the DNA based data so marketers have better understanding og consumers purchasing preferences.

This DNA data based marketing concept is taking it to the next level.

If it can be implemented successfully and Miinome Inc. manage to find takers who can implement it ...I for sure will keep an eye from now on regarding its development.

Certainly an interesting space to watch out for!!

Simple Understanding of Human Psychology:Is it the key to business success?

In my previous post I expressed my viewpoints and believes about creativity. 

Sometimes creativity is known as innovation or breakthrough technology or some cool scientific discovery.But how creativity or innovation become the survival of the fittest for businesses.

Take the case of  Victor Fernandes director of  +Natura Cosmeticos , he thinks that you can behold success by trying to innovate keeping in mind about the well being experiences. Ans similar was the thought of  +Steve Jobs , that you have to give people  experience which they have not witnessed before-- a need no one realized before.

It's all come down to small inventions, an attempt to make people's life better and make it more efficient.

Some key to creativity and innovation I read from a  +Forbes article talks about the following.

 Observing--> Its very important to know what is happening around you. The understanding of what people want or need.

Questioning --> It's the key for inquisitive minds and discovering the unknown an the wonderful !!

 Experimenting --> The mantra of success  lies with experimenting, may be it will lead to failure but its also leads to success. For reference -->  +Thomas Alva Edison 

Networking --> One of the most powerful marketing tactic to accelerate and sustain success

Associational Thinking --> Well this one deals with the capability of drawing connection among question, problem or ideas from diversified fields

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Anybody can be creative:True or False??

"You are a creative person." -- How lovely is to hear something like this?
But we believe everyone cannot be creative.....Wrong!!!
According to me everyone can be creative. It’s a common notion that people with divergent thinking (out of the box thinkers) can only be creative. People with convergent thinking are not creative.

We all are different individuals with unique qualities then how can be our creativity or way of work can be similar?
We all have different styles of creativity or working. It’s up to us that we believe in ourselves whether we can be creative in our life. People with structured thought process can be creative also once they started believing in themselves.
 I mean you can be creative how uniquely you organize your closet or how a mother can pack regular tiff-in for her child just by packing it in a way that will excite the kid to eat it.
Don't we do such staffs, everyday?
It's a common myth that people from arts, music are creative but an engineer, doctor, or scientist --- Come on they certainly don't come under the pile of "Creative " people !!

 Check out the following +Pinterest  page.

 Still not convinced, then checkout out the work of a great scientist -- +Leonardo da Vinci 

And to conclude I will end this post with my favorite +Steve Jobs  quote on creativity.

"Creativity is just connecting things.When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn't really do it, the just saw something. It seemed obvious to them after a while" -- Steve Jobs

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Awesomeness of Digital Media !!!

As a part of my daily habit I was checking out digital media news and came across some cool articles , one of it says how +Google is trying to come up with uProxy Peer to Peer Internet Gateway which can solve the problem for people who cannot access it due political and legislative issues.
I mean if this project of Google is successfully launched it will be like personalized VPN-Virtualized  Private Network.But the important thing to notice will be how Google can monitor the security and chances of misuse of this setup.

And while going through some cool social media info graphics I came across two videos about the recent developments of social media and both of them gives the same message just take a look at it.

This one gives its message with help of Cool Video Info graphics.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Happiness is key to business success !!

Well its Monday and after joining your office after a great week long holiday with your family you tend to miss the golden moments of being over-pampered, over-fed , over-slept and totally relaxed.

So I came back home after finishing the piled up piled up work at office and to relax started watching +Tom & Jerry  videos from +YouTube and just after 15 minutes I felt a lot relaxed.

It got me thinking what is it the thing that till today this MGM's studio creation still able to work its magic till today since 1940's. I think it’s just makes you happy and in spite of its comic rivalry plot , it also shows a friendship and genuine care about each other. Sometimes it also shows how they work together to pursue a common goal.

So wrapped in the package of entertainment it also try to educate young minds without getting preachy. 
And I think one of the key reason behind success of marketing whether its digital way or the traditional way is to make people learn something useful and happy.I mean look at successful +Blogger such as +Mashable , +The Verge , +Gizmodo , +TechCrunch , +The Next Web  etc. Each has something interesting but informative as well.

It’s a mix of utility and user orientation which makes any brand successful .And the better you can do it and continuously improve upon it, the better and long lasting will be your customer loyalty.