We humans sometimes can be so greedy and materialistic --
we want more from life and every aspect of it.
It makes me think does that inbuilt program of
"wanting more" is the driving force behind innovation and evolution. I
think great philosophers and psychologists must have answer it already if not it's
a request to the great and genius mind please do so...
Every time I heard of the marketing jargon
"blockbuster product" or "product category smasher" I can
see something common in them --- fun, simple and useful.
But what happens when that fun, simplicity and usefulness
is not so new and fresh anymore. It's started to stale or we have some nagging
feeling in our mind, can't it get better, can't we have something more to make
our life easier.
Corporations, small businesses and start ups around the
world are trying to keep up with the ever changing dynamic business scenario. And
these businesses do have their own challenges. +Sony
almost came up with +iPod like products but could not leverage on it due
to their own internal issues and +Apple Inc.
came up with its iPod.
Innovation is not only the key but the presence of culture
in an organization to commercialize it which brings revolution and change and
thus "Innovation".
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