Monday, November 25, 2013

Marketing as you like it ....

I just went through one of those week where you have to work insanely and some problems pop up and you just go ahead and try to solve it even if does not come under your "so-called" job description. I witnessed the first customer visit and it's exhausting and exhilarating and definitely a learning experience.

I mean "customer is king" and if possible make preparation to welcome "royals".

And whenever I was facing some difficult task and there is no one to consult because your boss in some meeting there are moments I had to make calls. I don't want to brag (but a little bragging is okay right!!) but I did it well. And when I look back to assess I could do it because I applied "Marketing Strategic Thinking" even though I didn't consciously planned for it, but it happened anyway.

And it happened because I was thinking about the long term relationship my company's customers have with our organization and also the similarities between their core and basic values of both them (though both are originated from 2 different continents and posses a huge cultural diversities).

Strategic planning always make your job easier and mix it with your drive, desire and competencies -- you have winning combo.

Marketing or let me be precise by saying branding mainly deals with 2 things among your customer -- "Brand Stature"--esteem & knowledge-- & "Brand Equity"

And if it's correctly done, its not that difficult to retain relationship with customers.

Well the "trick: is to do it correctly but how??

There comes the game of 4P (7P for service Marketing) and STP .

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