Friday, November 1, 2013

Change is vision or your vision should change !!!

What lies in future none of us know.What will change or how it will change............... but when you look back and think how much had changed and how you are different from before--It's amazing!!

Before +Bill Gates no one in "The silicon Valley" really thought about software, he was the first to really make us understand the meaning of a software company.

And the +Steve Jobs showed computers can be personal and it can be used in a way you like it, rather than being used only by people of Technical company.
And the core to every great innovation lies how you can just envision it..may be crazy it may sound today , but tomorrow it can  be possible.
I know I sound completely old , philosophical and boring but I feel nostalgic that how much technology had advanced in the last decade and more and more all the exclusive technology for multi billion companies and Government experiment becomes available to common people more it will impact and shape our life styles.

For example , Mobile networks had made real time connection or we can say communication real time.And internet with Social Media had taken that real time communication to another level.And +Augmented Reality  technology was used for advanced fighter jets and now with +Google Glass  it can eventually become public. More innovations and making it more available to common mass have become objective of tech giants.
And for that one can refer to the following +YouTube videos :

Future of search and Google's vision

Future is exciting only we need correct vision and judgement to know what correct for us and use it.

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