Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Marketing and Technology: Complementing each other

Being "Agile" is the way to be. No matter if its technology, Project management or be it marketing .
 According to  +Wikipedia  " Agile management or agile project management is an iterative and incremental method of managing the design and build activities for engineering, information technology, and new product or service development projects in a highly flexible and interactive manner, for example agile software development. It requires capable individuals from the relevant business, with supplier and customer input. "
An d with advent +Smartphones , devices and digital media , Marketing is getting more fragmented than ever.
The ecosystem of the entire marketing is changing and technology is one of the main reason behind its. Marketing signifies evolution, continuous change bur today in the digital world, the pace of that change is higher than ever.
And technical specialist and a marketing specialist had to go hand in hand.
Only marketing without innovation does not work and vice versa.
And only innovation also does not make successful product. If it was the case, then Xerox would have been the company to introduce different calligraphy and fonts to the world not Apple.
Xerox invented it, Apple first improvised it to personal computers and Microsoft made it popular.
Today, almost all the renowned brands are bringing in the Digital Marketing in their Marketing Strategy. And to utilize it properly, only investing money is not the case anymore investing wisely in content and technology to promote is useful
It’s all about superior user interface nowadays and the lies in how to detect the sweet spot for your consumers 

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